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JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.6.0


Interface Summary
EventFilter This interface declares a simple filter interface that one can create to filter XMLEventReaders
Location Provides information on the location of an event.
StreamFilter This interface declares a simple filter interface that one can create to filter XMLStreamReaders
XMLEventReader This is the top level interface for parsing XML Events.
XMLEventWriter This is the top level interface for writing XML documents.
XMLReporter This interface is used to report non-fatal errors.
XMLResolver This interface is used to resolve resources during an XML parse.
XMLStreamConstants This interface declares the constants used in this API.
XMLStreamReader The XMLStreamReader interface allows forward, read-only access to XML.
XMLStreamWriter The XMLStreamWriter interface specifies how to write XML.

Class Summary
XMLEventFactory This interface defines a utility class for creating instances of XMLEvents
XMLInputFactory Defines an abstract implementation of a factory for getting streams.
XMLOutputFactory Defines an abstract implementation of a factory for getting XMLEventWriters and XMLStreamWriters.

Exception Summary
XMLStreamException The base exception for unexpected processing errors.

Error Summary
FactoryConfigurationError An error class for reporting factory configuration errors.

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