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JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.6.0
Class AccessControlException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by java.lang.RuntimeException
              extended by java.lang.SecurityException
                  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AccessControlException
extends SecurityException

This exception is thrown by the AccessController to indicate that a requested access (to a critical system resource such as the file system or the network) is denied.

The reason to deny access can vary. For example, the requested permission might be of an incorrect type, contain an invalid value, or request access that is not allowed according to the security policy. Such information should be given whenever possible at the time the exception is thrown.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
AccessControlException(String s)
          Constructs an AccessControlException with the specified, detailed message.
AccessControlException(String s, Permission p)
          Constructs an AccessControlException with the specified, detailed message, and the requested permission that caused the exception.
Method Summary
 Permission getPermission()
          Gets the Permission object associated with this exeception, or null if there was no corresponding Permission object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AccessControlException(String s)
Constructs an AccessControlException with the specified, detailed message.

s - the detail message.


public AccessControlException(String s,
                              Permission p)
Constructs an AccessControlException with the specified, detailed message, and the requested permission that caused the exception.

s - the detail message.
p - the permission that caused the exception.
Method Detail


public Permission getPermission()
Gets the Permission object associated with this exeception, or null if there was no corresponding Permission object.

the Permission object.

Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved