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JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.5.0

Class AbstractExecutorService

  extended by java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService
All Implemented Interfaces:
Executor, ExecutorService
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractExecutorService
extends Object
implements ExecutorService

Provides default implementation of ExecutorService execution methods. This class implements the submit, invokeAny and invokeAll methods using the default FutureTask class provided in this package. For example, the implementation of submit(Runnable) creates an associated FutureTask that is executed and returned. Subclasses overriding these methods to use different Future implementations should do so consistently for each of these methods.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
<T> List<Future<T>>
invokeAll(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks)
          Executes the given tasks, returning a list of Futures holding their status and results when all complete.
<T> List<Future<T>>
invokeAll(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
          Executes the given tasks, returning a list of Futures holding their status and results when all complete or the timeout expires, whichever happens first.
<T> T
invokeAny(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks)
          Executes the given tasks, returning the result of one that has completed successfully (i.e., without throwing an exception), if any do.
<T> T
invokeAny(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
          Executes the given tasks, returning the result of one that has completed successfully (i.e., without throwing an exception), if any do before the given timeout elapses.
<T> Future<T>
submit(Callable<T> task)
          Submits a value-returning task for execution and returns a Future representing the pending results of the task.
 Future<?> submit(Runnable task)
          Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future representing that task.
<T> Future<T>
submit(Runnable task, T result)
          Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future representing that task that will upon completion return the given result
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
awaitTermination, isShutdown, isTerminated, shutdown, shutdownNow
Methods inherited from interface java.util.concurrent.Executor

Constructor Detail


public AbstractExecutorService()
Method Detail


public Future<?> submit(Runnable task)
Description copied from interface: ExecutorService
Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future representing that task.

Specified by:
submit in interface ExecutorService
task - the task to submit
a Future representing pending completion of the task, and whose get() method will return null upon completion.


public <T> Future<T> submit(Runnable task,
                            T result)
Description copied from interface: ExecutorService
Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future representing that task that will upon completion return the given result

Specified by:
submit in interface ExecutorService
task - the task to submit
result - the result to return
a Future representing pending completion of the task, and whose get() method will return the given result upon completion.


public <T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task)
Description copied from interface: ExecutorService
Submits a value-returning task for execution and returns a Future representing the pending results of the task.

If you would like to immediately block waiting for a task, you can use constructions of the form result = exec.submit(aCallable).get();

Note: The Executors class includes a set of methods that can convert some other common closure-like objects, for example, PrivilegedAction to Callable form so they can be submitted.

Specified by:
submit in interface ExecutorService
task - the task to submit
a Future representing pending completion of the task


public <T> T invokeAny(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks)
            throws InterruptedException,
Description copied from interface: ExecutorService
Executes the given tasks, returning the result of one that has completed successfully (i.e., without throwing an exception), if any do. Upon normal or exceptional return, tasks that have not completed are cancelled. The results of this method are undefined if the given collection is modified while this operation is in progress.

Specified by:
invokeAny in interface ExecutorService
tasks - the collection of tasks
The result returned by one of the tasks.
InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting
ExecutionException - if no task successfully completes


public <T> T invokeAny(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks,
                       long timeout,
                       TimeUnit unit)
            throws InterruptedException,
Description copied from interface: ExecutorService
Executes the given tasks, returning the result of one that has completed successfully (i.e., without throwing an exception), if any do before the given timeout elapses. Upon normal or exceptional return, tasks that have not completed are cancelled. The results of this method are undefined if the given collection is modified while this operation is in progress.

Specified by:
invokeAny in interface ExecutorService
tasks - the collection of tasks
timeout - the maximum time to wait
unit - the time unit of the timeout argument
The result returned by one of the tasks.
InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting
ExecutionException - if no task successfully completes
TimeoutException - if the given timeout elapses before any task successfully completes


public <T> List<Future<T>> invokeAll(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks)
                          throws InterruptedException
Description copied from interface: ExecutorService
Executes the given tasks, returning a list of Futures holding their status and results when all complete. Future.isDone() is true for each element of the returned list. Note that a completed task could have terminated either normally or by throwing an exception. The results of this method are undefined if the given collection is modified while this operation is in progress.

Specified by:
invokeAll in interface ExecutorService
tasks - the collection of tasks
A list of Futures representing the tasks, in the same sequential order as produced by the iterator for the given task list, each of which has completed.
InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting, in which case unfinished tasks are cancelled.


public <T> List<Future<T>> invokeAll(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks,
                                     long timeout,
                                     TimeUnit unit)
                          throws InterruptedException
Description copied from interface: ExecutorService
Executes the given tasks, returning a list of Futures holding their status and results when all complete or the timeout expires, whichever happens first. Future.isDone() is true for each element of the returned list. Upon return, tasks that have not completed are cancelled. Note that a completed task could have terminated either normally or by throwing an exception. The results of this method are undefined if the given collection is modified while this operation is in progress.

Specified by:
invokeAll in interface ExecutorService
tasks - the collection of tasks
timeout - the maximum time to wait
unit - the time unit of the timeout argument
A list of Futures representing the tasks, in the same sequential order as produced by the iterator for the given task list. If the operation did not time out, each task will have completed. If it did time out, some of these tasks will not have completed.
InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting, in which case unfinished tasks are cancelled.

Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved