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JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.5.0

Interface ValueInputStream

public interface ValueInputStream

Java to IDL ptc 02-01-12 ValueInputStream is used for implementing RMI-IIOP stream format version 2.

Method Summary
 void end_value()
          The end_value method reads the end tag for the nested custom valuetype (after skipping any data that precedes the end tag) and decrements the valuetype nesting depth.
 void start_value()
          The start_value method reads a valuetype header for a nested custom valuetype and increments the valuetype nesting depth.

Method Detail


void start_value()
The start_value method reads a valuetype header for a nested custom valuetype and increments the valuetype nesting depth.


void end_value()
The end_value method reads the end tag for the nested custom valuetype (after skipping any data that precedes the end tag) and decrements the valuetype nesting depth.

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