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JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.5.0

Interface DynUnionOperations

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public interface DynUnionOperations
extends DynAnyOperations

DynUnion objects support the manipulation of IDL unions. A union can have only two valid current positions:

  • zero, which denotes the discriminator
  • one, which denotes the active member
The component_count value for a union depends on the current discriminator: it is 2 for a union whose discriminator indicates a named member, and 1 otherwise.

Method Summary
 TCKind discriminator_kind()
          Returns the TCKind value of the discriminators TypeCode.
 DynAny get_discriminator()
          Returns the current discriminator value.
 boolean has_no_active_member()
          Returns true if the union has no active member, that is, the unions value consists solely of its discriminator because the discriminator has a value that is not listed as an explicit case label.
 TCKind member_kind()
          Returns the TCKind value of the currently active members TypeCode.
 String member_name()
          Returns the name of the currently active member.
 DynAny member()
          Returns the currently active member.
 void set_discriminator(DynAny d)
          Sets the discriminator of the DynUnion to the specified value.
 void set_to_default_member()
          Sets the discriminator to a value that is consistent with the value of the default case of a union.
 void set_to_no_active_member()
          Sets the discriminator to a value that does not correspond to any of the unions case labels.
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyOperations
assign, component_count, copy, current_component, destroy, equal, from_any, get_any, get_boolean, get_char, get_double, get_dyn_any, get_float, get_long, get_longlong, get_octet, get_reference, get_short, get_string, get_typecode, get_ulong, get_ulonglong, get_ushort, get_val, get_wchar, get_wstring, insert_any, insert_boolean, insert_char, insert_double, insert_dyn_any, insert_float, insert_long, insert_longlong, insert_octet, insert_reference, insert_short, insert_string, insert_typecode, insert_ulong, insert_ulonglong, insert_ushort, insert_val, insert_wchar, insert_wstring, next, rewind, seek, to_any, type

Method Detail


DynAny get_discriminator()
Returns the current discriminator value.


void set_discriminator(DynAny d)
                       throws TypeMismatch
Sets the discriminator of the DynUnion to the specified value. Setting the discriminator to a value that is consistent with the currently active union member does not affect the currently active member. Setting the discriminator to a value that is inconsistent with the currently active member deactivates the member and activates the member that is consistent with the new discriminator value (if there is a member for that value) by initializing the member to its default value. Setting the discriminator of a union sets the current position to 0 if the discriminator value indicates a non-existent union member (has_no_active_member returns true in this case). Otherwise, if the discriminator value indicates a named union member, the current position is set to 1 (has_no_active_member returns false and component_count returns 2 in this case).

TypeMismatch - if the TypeCode of the parameter is not equivalent to the TypeCode of the union's discriminator


void set_to_default_member()
                           throws TypeMismatch
Sets the discriminator to a value that is consistent with the value of the default case of a union. It sets the current position to zero and causes component_count to return 2.

TypeMismatch - if the union does not have an explicit default case


void set_to_no_active_member()
                             throws TypeMismatch
Sets the discriminator to a value that does not correspond to any of the unions case labels. It sets the current position to zero and causes component_count to return 1.

TypeMismatch - if the union has an explicit default case or if it uses the entire range of discriminator values for explicit case labels


boolean has_no_active_member()
Returns true if the union has no active member, that is, the unions value consists solely of its discriminator because the discriminator has a value that is not listed as an explicit case label. Calling this operation on a union that has a default case returns false. Calling this operation on a union that uses the entire range of discriminator values for explicit case labels returns false.


TCKind discriminator_kind()
Returns the TCKind value of the discriminators TypeCode.


TCKind member_kind()
                   throws InvalidValue
Returns the TCKind value of the currently active members TypeCode.

InvalidValue - if the union does not have a currently active member


DynAny member()
              throws InvalidValue
Returns the currently active member. Note that the returned reference remains valid only for as long as the currently active member does not change. Using the returned reference beyond the life time of the currently active member raises OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.

InvalidValue - if the union has no active member


String member_name()
                   throws InvalidValue
Returns the name of the currently active member. If the unions TypeCode does not contain a member name for the currently active member, the operation returns an empty string.

InvalidValue - if the union has no active member

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