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JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.6.0

Class DriverPropertyInfo

  extended by java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo

public class DriverPropertyInfo
extends Object

Driver properties for making a connection. The DriverPropertyInfo class is of interest only to advanced programmers who need to interact with a Driver via the method getDriverProperties to discover and supply properties for connections.

Field Summary
 String[] choices
          An array of possible values if the value for the field DriverPropertyInfo.value may be selected from a particular set of values; otherwise null.
 String description
          A brief description of the property, which may be null.
 String name
          The name of the property.
 boolean required
          The required field is true if a value must be supplied for this property during Driver.connect and false otherwise.
 String value
          The value field specifies the current value of the property, based on a combination of the information supplied to the method getPropertyInfo, the Java environment, and the driver-supplied default values.
Constructor Summary
DriverPropertyInfo(String name, String value)
          Constructs a DriverPropertyInfo object with a given name and value.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public String name
The name of the property.


public String description
A brief description of the property, which may be null.


public boolean required
The required field is true if a value must be supplied for this property during Driver.connect and false otherwise.


public String value
The value field specifies the current value of the property, based on a combination of the information supplied to the method getPropertyInfo, the Java environment, and the driver-supplied default values. This field may be null if no value is known.


public String[] choices
An array of possible values if the value for the field DriverPropertyInfo.value may be selected from a particular set of values; otherwise null.

Constructor Detail


public DriverPropertyInfo(String name,
                          String value)
Constructs a DriverPropertyInfo object with a given name and value. The description and choices are intialized to null and required is initialized to false.

name - the name of the property
value - the current value, which may be null

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