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JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.6.0

Interface RowSetListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface RowSetListener
extends EventListener

An interface that must be implemented by a component that wants to be notified when a significant event happens in the life of a RowSet object. A component becomes a listener by being registered with a RowSet object via the method RowSet.addRowSetListener. How a registered component implements this interface determines what it does when it is notified of an event.


Method Summary
 void cursorMoved(RowSetEvent event)
          Notifies registered listeners that a RowSet object's cursor has moved.
 void rowChanged(RowSetEvent event)
          Notifies registered listeners that a RowSet object has had a change in one of its rows.
 void rowSetChanged(RowSetEvent event)
          Notifies registered listeners that a RowSet object in the given RowSetEvent object has changed its entire contents.

Method Detail


void rowSetChanged(RowSetEvent event)
Notifies registered listeners that a RowSet object in the given RowSetEvent object has changed its entire contents.

The source of the event can be retrieved with the method event.getSource.

event - a RowSetEvent object that contains the RowSet object that is the source of the event


void rowChanged(RowSetEvent event)
Notifies registered listeners that a RowSet object has had a change in one of its rows.

The source of the event can be retrieved with the method event.getSource.

event - a RowSetEvent object that contains the RowSet object that is the source of the event


void cursorMoved(RowSetEvent event)
Notifies registered listeners that a RowSet object's cursor has moved.

The source of the event can be retrieved with the method event.getSource.

event - a RowSetEvent object that contains the RowSet object that is the source of the event

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