Java Smart Card I/O

Class Card

  extended by javax.smartcardio.Card

public abstract class Card
extends Object

A Smart Card with which a connection has been established. Card objects are obtained by calling CardTerminal.connect().

See Also:

Constructor Summary
protected Card()
          Constructs a new Card object.
Method Summary
abstract  void beginExclusive()
          Requests exclusive access to this card.
abstract  void disconnect(boolean reset)
          Disconnects the connection with this card.
abstract  void endExclusive()
          Releases the exclusive access previously established using beginExclusive.
abstract  ATR getATR()
          Returns the ATR of this card.
abstract  CardChannel getBasicChannel()
          Returns the CardChannel for the basic logical channel.
abstract  String getProtocol()
          Returns the protocol in use for this card.
abstract  CardChannel openLogicalChannel()
          Opens a new logical channel to the card and returns it.
abstract  byte[] transmitControlCommand(int controlCode, byte[] command)
          Transmits a control command to the terminal device.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected Card()
Constructs a new Card object.

This constructor is called by subclasses only. Application should call the CardTerminal.connect() method to obtain a Card object.

Method Detail


public abstract ATR getATR()
Returns the ATR of this card.

the ATR of this card.


public abstract String getProtocol()
Returns the protocol in use for this card.

the protocol in use for this card, for example "T=0" or "T=1"


public abstract CardChannel getBasicChannel()
Returns the CardChannel for the basic logical channel. The basic logical channel has a channel number of 0.

SecurityException - if a SecurityManager exists and the caller does not have the required permission
IllegalStateException - if this card object has been disposed of via the disconnect() method


public abstract CardChannel openLogicalChannel()
                                        throws CardException
Opens a new logical channel to the card and returns it. The channel is opened by issuing a MANAGE CHANNEL command that should use the format [00 70 00 00 01].

SecurityException - if a SecurityManager exists and the caller does not have the required permission
CardException - is a new logical channel could not be opened
IllegalStateException - if this card object has been disposed of via the disconnect() method


public abstract void beginExclusive()
                             throws CardException
Requests exclusive access to this card.

Once a thread has invoked beginExclusive, only this thread is allowed to communicate with this card until it calls endExclusive. Other threads attempting communication will receive a CardException.

Applications have to ensure that exclusive access is correctly released. This can be achieved by executing the beginExclusive() and endExclusive calls in a try ... finally block.

SecurityException - if a SecurityManager exists and the caller does not have the required permission
CardException - if exclusive access has already been set or if exclusive access could not be established
IllegalStateException - if this card object has been disposed of via the disconnect() method


public abstract void endExclusive()
                           throws CardException
Releases the exclusive access previously established using beginExclusive.

SecurityException - if a SecurityManager exists and the caller does not have the required permission
IllegalStateException - if the active Thread does not currently have exclusive access to this card or if this card object has been disposed of via the disconnect() method
CardException - if the operation failed


public abstract byte[] transmitControlCommand(int controlCode,
                                              byte[] command)
                                       throws CardException
Transmits a control command to the terminal device.

This can be used to, for example, control terminal functions like a built-in PIN pad or biometrics.

controlCode - the control code of the command
command - the command data
SecurityException - if a SecurityManager exists and the caller does not have the required permission
NullPointerException - if command is null
CardException - if the card operation failed
IllegalStateException - if this card object has been disposed of via the disconnect() method


public abstract void disconnect(boolean reset)
                         throws CardException
Disconnects the connection with this card. After this method returns, calling methods on this object or in CardChannels associated with this object that require interaction with the card will raise an IllegalStateException.

reset - whether to reset the card after disconnecting.
CardException - if the card operation failed
SecurityException - if a SecurityManager exists and the caller does not have the required permission

Java Smart Card I/O